Full Circle

The FULL CIRCLE approach incorporates both self-perception as well as that of a defined FEEDBACK GROUP (2-12 people). It provides a positive and re-enforcing, framework to examine and develop personal impact and ultimately to overall team effectiveness. It brings personal feedback top life in a way that is engaging and inspiring – compelling the individual to take instant action to improve interaction and relations with others in the team.

Full Circle Workshops are also tailored to individual customer needs but ordinarily consist of a full day using facilitated exercises and structured discussions around the individual and feedback group profiles.

The Insights Full Circle Learning and Profile extends the understanding and perception of self, gained through Insights Discovery, to include an understanding of the perception others have of our preferences.  This provides a fresh and rich perspective into personal approach, style and impact.

The information gathered provides a profile that combines self-perception with the perceptions of the Feedback Group and uses the Insights Discovery System as a framework to compare and contrast these perspectives. The unique style and focus of the Profile is also designed to encourage and support both one-to-one and group dialogues, in group learning forums and/or in coaching sessions.

These discussions can support the celebration of gifts and strengths as well as identifying areas for development – for individuals and for teams.

Full Circle

The benefits are many:

  • Individuals get a broader perspective of how they are perceived by others.
  • Increased awareness by senior management that they too have development needs.
  • More reliable feedback to senior managers about their performance.
  • Gaining acceptance of the principle of multiple stakeholders as a measure of performance.
  • Encouraging more open feedback — new insights.
  • Clarify to employees critical performance aspects.
  • Opens up feedback and gives people a more rounded view of performance than they had previously.
  • Identifying strengths that can be used to the best advantage of the business.
  • Raised the self-awareness of people managers of how they personally impact upon others – positively and negatively.
  • Focused agenda for development that forces line managers to discuss development issues

Download a sample FULL: CIRCLE PROFILE (pdf download)